Poster Session

The COMSNETS 2025 Poster Session is a forum to showcase preliminary/ongoing work in the area of computer networking and communications. COMSNETS, being the premier venue for networking research in India and abroad, attracts many researchers from academia and industry. Therefore, poster presenters will benefit from lively discussions and critical feedback on their work in progress. In addition, all submissions will get detailed reviews from renowned researchers in the poster reviewing committee.

Accepted posters will be published in the conference proceedings.

National/International travel grants will be available for a selected number of poster authors to cover partial support for their travel. These grants will be awarded by a panel of judges.

Best Poster Awards will be awarded based on the poster session presentations by a panel of judges.

Topics of Interest

COMSNETS takes a broad view of research in communication systems and networking. The topics of interest for the poster submissions aligned with the main conference theme include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Emerging 6G technology advancements
  • 5G and wireless broadband networks
  • Technologies for 6-100 GHz spectrum
  • Edge and fog computing/networking
  • Studies on testbeds and large scale experimental platforms
  • Long-range/Low-power wide-area wireless networking
  • Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
  • CubeSats / Satellite Networking
  • Non-Terrestrial Networks
  • WLAN, RFID and NFC
  • Visible light communications
  • Heterogeneous networks (HetNets)
  • Cognitive radio & white-space networking
  • Economics of networks
  • Energy-efficient communications
  • Cloud computing
  • Enterprise, data center, & storage-area networks
  • Internet architecture and protocols, Internet science & emergent behavior
  • Mobility and location management
  • Mobile sensing
  • Traffic analysis and engineering
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Caching & content delivery systems
  • Information/Content centric networks (ICN)
  • Network management and operations
  • Network security and privacy
  • Trusted computing
  • Network science
  • SDN/NFV and Network Programmability
  • Internet Measurement and Modeling
  • Networks for smarter energy & sustainability
  • Vehicular Networks & Intelligent Transportation
  • Smart Grid communications & networking
  • Machine Learning and AI in Networking
  • Big Data/IoT Analytics in Networking
  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

What to submit:

Poster submissions must be at least 2 pages and a maximum of 4 pages of technical contributions (including Tables and Figures) + 1 page for references. It should contain the motivation for the research problem, the solution approach, and analytical or empirical results, if any. The submission should be double blind and must use the same template as that of the conference.

Submissions that do not adhere to the conference template will be rejected without review. All submissions must be in PDF format.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission deadline 7th November 2024, AoE
Notification of Acceptance 5th December 2024, AoE
Camera-ready Submission 15th December 2024, AoE

Poster Co-Chairs

Dheryta Jaisinghani

Dheryta Jaisinghani

University of Northern Iowa

Shantanu Pal

Shantanu Pal

Deakin University

Rohit Verma

Rohit Verma

Intel Labs

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Conference Partner