Graduate Forum

COMSNETS 2025 Graduate Forum is a supportive environment for graduate students (Post-graduate and Doctoral Researchers) to showcase early-stage research in areas related to communications, systems, and networking at COMSNETS, the premier conference that brings together networking researchers from both academia and the industry. Graduate Forum will provide students with useful feedback on their current research as well as future research directions from experienced researchers, and the opportunity to interact with eminent researchers from both academia and industry. All submissions will receive detailed reviews from the review committee.

Accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings (unless the author requires otherwise). At least one of the authors of the accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper at the dedicated Graduate Forum session through a formal presentation.

Best Paper Award:

Best “Graduate Forum Paper Award” will be awarded based on the presentations by a panel of judges.

Who can Submit:

To be eligible to submit your work to the Graduate Forum, you must be registered as a Ph.D. or Master’s student at the time of submission. Submissions must include the author’s name, affiliations, and email addresses. We will follow a single-blind review policy.

The topics of interest include (but not limited to) the following:

  • 📡 Wireless Communications
    • 5G, 6G, wireless broadband, and spectrum technologies. Including WLAN, RFID, NFC, visible light communications, cognitive radio,localization and sensing, CubeSats, and satellite networking.
  • 🖥️ Data Center & Edge Computing
    • Enterprise networking, data centers, edge and cloud computing integration, and multimedia networking innovations.
  • 🌱 Green Networking
    • Network sustainability, economics, and energy efficiency in communication networks.
  • 🔬 Datasets, Benchmarks, and Testbeds
    • Highlighting the foundational role of datasets, benchmarks, and testbeds in networking research for experimentation and validation.
  • 🌐 Network Architecture & Operations
    • Network architecture, traffic management, caching, content delivery systems, SDN/NFV, internet measurement, and web technologies.
  • 🚗 Mobility & IoT
    • Mobile network management, mobile sensing, vehicular networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and smart grid communications.
  • 🔒 Blockchain & Security
    • Network security, privacy, trusted computing, and the application of blockchain and distributed ledger technology.
  • 🛠️ Semiconductors and Digital Communication
    • Semiconductor advancements in inter- and intra-chip communication, peripheral interfaces (PCIe, USB, etc.), network-on-chip (NoC) systems, and other interconnect technologies.

What to submit:

We encourage the authors to submit their proposals with the following as a single PDF file at HotCRP containing:

  • Resume, a one-page resume informing of your current position, educational details, broad area of research, research experiences, publications (if any), etc.
  • A three-page Extended Abstract, explaining the problem statement, relevant state-of-the-art, proposed solution approach, preliminary results, future work, and bibliography. Submissions must be written in English, in IEEE two-column format (details can be seen on the main conference page) and must adhere to the submission guidelines and template of the main conference. The page limit is three pages (strictly) and no additional page will be allowed.

It is suggested that the prospective authors should merge all of the above submission (resume and extended abstract) files into a single PDF document and upload the PDF file at HotCRP. Submissions not formatted as described above will be rejected without any review. Upon acceptance, the authors will be requested to submit only the three pages of Extended Abstract for the final camera-ready version. The accepted papers need to be presented at the conference. Presentation must be within 5-6 slides for a 10-minute talk, including QAs from the audience.

Submission Link: TBD

For any queries please contact us at [email protected]

Important Dates:

Paper Submission deadline 8th November, 2024, AoE (Friday)
Notification of Acceptance 6th December, 2024, AoE (Friday)
Camera-ready Submission 16th December 2024, AoE (Monday)

Graduate Forum Co-Chairs

Pragma Kar

Pragma Kar

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)

Tanya Shreedhar

Tanya Shreedhar

The University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Conference Partner