Demos & Exhibits

The 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) invites demos from industry, academia, and startups showcasing cutting-edge technologies and their applications. COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to advances in Networking and Communication Systems. COMSNETS 2025 will be held in Bangalore, India, during January 6 - 10, 2025

All accepted demos will be published in the conference proceedings. Please consult the Demos & Exhibits chairs for any exceptions.

Best Demo Awards

All accepted demos will be considered for the Best Demo Awards under different categories based on the quality of research and presentation which a panel of experts will judge.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Wireless
    • 5G/6G and wireless broadband networks
    • Technologies for 6-100 GHz spectrum
    • WLAN, RFID, and NFC
    • Visible light communications
    • Heterogeneous networks (HetNets)
    • Cognitive radio and white-space networking
    • CubeSats/Satellite networking
    • Long-range/Low-power wide-area wireless networking
    • Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
  • Data Center & Edge
    • Enterprise, data center, and storage-area networks
    • Edge & Cloud computing/networking
  • Green Networking
    • Economics of networks
    • Energy-efficient communications
    • Sustainable Networking
  • Architecture
    • Network architecture, protocols & science
    • Traffic analysis and engineering
    • Caching and Content delivery systems
    • Information/Content centric networks (ICN)
    • Network management and operations
    • SDN/NFV and Network Programmability
    • Internet Measurement and Modeling
  • Mobility & IoT
    • Mobility and location management
    • Mobile sensing
    • Vehicular networks and intelligent transportation
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Smart Grid communications and networking
    • Machine Learning and AI in Networking & IoT
  • Blockchain & Security
    • Network security and privacy
    • Trusted computing
    • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
  • Testbeds
    • Studies on testbeds and large-scale experimental platforms

Submission Guidelines

We invite the authors to submit their original work(s) in the following two categories:

  1. Research Demos: The authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of up to three pages including all figures and references, describing the demo and any special requirements The formatting must adhere to the Main Conference Guidelines. Submissions not adhering to the conference template will be rejected without review. Submissions must be in PDF format.
  2. Product & Startup Demos: The authors are requested to submit a proposal no longer than three pages that outlines the motivation, technologies, and use cases that will be demonstrated.

At least one author of an accepted demo is expected to register for the conference and present the demo in person.

Submission Link

Please submit the demos and exhibits via HotCRP (Submission Link Coming Soon)

Important Dates:

Paper Submission deadline   10th November 2024, AoE
Notification of Acceptance   5th December 2024, AoE
Camera-ready Submission 15th December 2024, AoE
Event dates: TBD

Demos & Exhibits Co-Chairs

Kaustubh Dhondge

Kaustubh Dhondge

Glaukes Labs

Alok Ranjan

Alok Ranjan


Mridula Singh

Mridula Singh


We look forward to your participation in the Demos & Exhibits program at COMSNETS 2025!

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Conference Partner