Mobile India 2018

Date: January 5, 2018 (Friday)

Please click here for Mobile India 2018 registration

Venue: Sigma Hall, Chancery Pavilion, 135, Residency Road, Bangalore, 560025, India

Session Sponsors:

Mobile India 2025 is one of the first premier events and will be the curtain raiser for this year’s mobile disruptions in the country. It is associated with the Tenth International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS), the world’s premier international conference on networking and communications technology innovation.

Theme: Data Analytics and Protection in the Mobile World

The rapid evolution of telecommunications, especially mobile services in India has aided the overall economic and social development of the country. It has enabled better connectivity among users, increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) services and emergence of a variety of new business models. In parallel, we have also witnessed a quantum leap in the quantity and value of data that is being generated through the use of modern communication services. Each step of a user's interaction with ICT services, results in the generation of large amounts of data. According to Nokia India Mobile Broadband Index 2017, total data payload in Indian telecom network grew 60 percent over last year to reach 165 peta bytes, thanks to deployment of 4G by most of the operators. Mobile Broad Band usage is only expected to increase many fold from the current level of about 1 GB per subscriber per month. Such data in various forms is collected by businesses and agencies as a by-product of the user’s interactions with them. This data is then leveraged by the businesses, to provide various personalized services, resulting increased economic activity and market efficiencies. While recognizing the vast business and efficiency potential of data analytics it is also vital to assess whether the data protection rights of individuals are being adequately protected in this changing environment. Mobile India 2018 will address these issues in 3 sessions with insights from industry experts, researchers from academia and industry, business analysts, privacy professionals, and government officials.

Session 1:  Telecom/ Mobile Data Analytics

Pervasiveness of mobiles have resulted in the generation of data relating to proximity, user context, tastes and preferences, and finally the complete user profile. Analysis of the user profiles to target goods and services, advertisements, discount coupons, promotion programmes, have been on the rise. Apart from mobile app providers, telcos are sitting on a huge pile of location based data that needs exploration and monetization. A distinguished panel representing participants from firms in the areas of Over The Top (OTT), e-commerce, mobile services will come together and analyze the opportunities offered by analyzing huge amount of user data thus collected and benefits therein for businesses.

Session 2:  Mobile Authentication and Security

Traditional online authentication using username/password pairs have not been found to be adequate in countering cyber-attacks. Moreover they are cumbersome and not user friendly. As a result, there have been increased efforts to find alternatives to username/passwords that can ensure security for online transactions while not compromising the privacy on individuals. A distinguished panel representing many participants in the identity and authentication ecosystem will come together for this session to discuss the key challenges in reliable authentication and ensuring security of user data.

Session 3:  Data Protection and User Privacy

While businesses collect user data to enhance their service offerings, protection of such data and ensuring privacy of users are not infringed upon are very important. While the gamut of privacy rights cut acrioss many areas, it is important to identify which aspects of privacy are being compromised and take suitable precautions. With Supreme Court of India pronouncing privacy as the fundamental right of citizens of the country, it is important for businesses, government officials, entrepreneurs and research scholars to discuss the salient aspects of data protection and privacy. Realizing this the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) gas also started the consultation process on this issue. In this session, the following aspects will be challenged:

  • In light of recent advances in technology, what changes, if any, are recommended to the definition of personal data?
  • What should be the Rights and Responsibilities of the Data Controllers? Can the Rights of Data Controller supersede the Rights of an Individual over his/her Personal Data?
  • What, if any, are the measures that must be taken to encourage the creation of new data based businesses consistent with the overall framework of data protection?

Schedule for the Day







Privacy, Fairness, Transparency and Control of Targeted Advertising on Social Media,
Dr. Krishna Gummadi, Professor, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany


Tea Break-1 and Networking


Session 1: Telecom/ Mobile Data Analytics

Kartik Raja,VCo-Founder, Phimetrics

Amitava Das, Head-Telecom Business Unit, TCS

Srikanth Narasimhan, Distinguished IT Engineer, Cisco

Bhaskar Rao G, Head of Software Architects, Nokia Networks

Moderator: Dr. T.K. Srikanth, Professor, IIIT-Bangalore


Session 2: Mobile Authentication and Security

Dr. Giridhar Mandyam, Chief Security Architect – IoT and Automotive, Qualcomm

Dr. Pravin Bhagwat, Co-Founder and CTO, Mojo Networks

Biswajit Dash, Sr. Product Manager, Samsung Pay

Moderator: Dr. V. Sridhar, Professor, IIIT-Bangalore


Lunch and Networking


Keynote-2: on Data Privacy & Protection


Samiran Gupta, Head-India, ICANN


Session 3: Data Protection and User Privacy

Joginder Yadav, Director - Legal & General Counsel, Cisco

V. Rajesh Kumar, Sr. Manager, Privacy and Data Protection Office, Infosys

Anand Bhushan, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co

S.K. Murthy, Patent Professional, Intel

Moderator: Dr. Janaki Srinivasan, Professor, IIIT Bangalore


Master Class: Enterprise Digitization Patterns

Srikanth Narasimhan, Distinguished IT Engineer, Cisco
Jagadish Chundury, Technical Architect, Cisco Systems


Closing Remarks by Co-Chairs



Mobile India 2018 Co-Chairs

Sridhar Varadharajan

V. Sridhar

IIIT Bangalore, India

T.K. Srikanth


IIIT Bangalore, India

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Conference Partner