Second Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies

Symposium Date: 8th and 9th January 2018

Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE

Venue: Golden Jubilee Hall, ECE department, IISc

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies (ASSET 2018) to be held in conjunction with COMSNETS 2018. This 2 day symposium will bring together graduate students from various parts of Asia to present and discuss topics in emerging technologies of global and regional interest. As part of this symposium, students will be able to present their research ideas to both their peers and to invited senior researchers from around the world. In addition, there will be multiple invited talks from distinguished researchers on various topics of interest to the participants.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Experience with mobile apps, networks and systems
  • Innovative wearable, mobile, sensing, and crowdsourcing apps
  • Tools for building and measuring mobile systems
  • Innovative wearable or mobile devices
  • Novel software architectures for mobile devices
  • Data management for mobile applications
  • Infrastructure support for node mobility
  • System-level energy management for mobile devices
  • Operating systems for mobile devices
  • Support for mobile social networking and mobile Web
  • Security and privacy in mobile systems
  • Systems for location and context sensing and awareness
  • Mobile computing support for pervasive computing
  • Vehicular wireless systems
  • User interfaces and usability for mobile applications and systems
  • Personal-area networks and systems
  • Cyber foraging and resource discovery for mobile systems
  • Next generation (5G) mobile networks
  • Internet of things
  • Machine-to-machine communications
  • Visible light communication
  • Novel access paradigms/modalities
  • Mobile data science/analysis
  • Networking, Distributed Computing, Cloud computing, and Software defined networking

To participate in the symposium, students will have to submit a short 1 page research proposal describing their current area of research. This write-up should state what the main research area is, why the problem is important, why the problem is hard, and the main results / implementations that the student has currently achieved. All selected participants may be invited to also present their work at the demo and poster session of COMSNETS 2018 where they will get to interact with the larger COMSNETS audience.

The submissions should adhere to COMSNETS submission guidelines.

Please submit your research proposals using the ASSET 2018 submission page.

Important Deadlines

Submission Deadline 19th November 2017, 23:59 AoE
Notification of Acceptance 26th November 2017
Symposium Date 8th and 9th January 2018

Registration Fee Details (For Students in India)

Early Registration Fees (until 25 December, 2017) ₹ 10,000
Regular Registration Fees (From 26 December, 2017) ₹ 12,000

Registration Fee Details (For Students outside India)

Early Registration Fees (until 25 December, 2017) $ 200
Regular Registration Fees (From 26 December, 2017) $ 250

ASSET registration includes COMSNETS registration (2 days of the workshops, 3 days of the main conference, and the banquet and reception)

How to Register

You can register for ASSET on our online registration portal by clicking the button below.

Click here to register
Note: Select "Yes" only for the ASSET workshop on the registration portal as shown in the screenshot below:

Accomodation Details at IAS Hostels

  • You can check in at any time on 2nd Jan. But on the first day, please try to arrive before 8 p.m. (i.e. before it gets dark) to allow you to find the place easily. But you can check in later if you need to.
  • In Google maps, the location of the hostel is "Indian Academy of Sciences Fellows residency". There is an area map attached as well.
  • Mr Ravindra will be available locally. His contact number is: +91-9448224276
  • You can also contact IAS security at: 08028381934.
  • Please report to either security or Mr Ravindra for room allotment.
  • You will know your room allocation when you check in. If your room partner has not arrived yet and you need to leave, please leave the room key with the Security so there will not be any problem.
  • We will have COMSNETS student volunteers at the IAS hotel on Jan 2nd to assist with the checkin process as well.
  • Bus: There will be a bus from IAS to the COMSNETS venue from Jan 3rd onwards. The bus will leave IAS at 7 a.m. from the main gate. Please be ready and have your breakfast (on your own) before that. The buses will return to the IAS hostel at the end of the COMSNETS events for every day.
Note for the first day of COMSNETS (3rd Jan): We will meet at 8.45 a.m. near the COMSNETS registration desk on Jan 3rd. Look for Rajesh and the other ASSET attendees.

Instructions for Participants

Poster Presentation
  • Everyone will have a chance to present a poster of your research work. To do this, all of you will need to prepare your poster in A0 paper size in portrait mode. You will need to bring a printed copy of your poster before you come to COMSNETS. Please ensure to make your poster visually appealing. For instance, merely replicating the text of your abstract or presentation slides onto the poster is a bad idea. Instead, strive to have a continuous flow of ideas through numbers, figures, diagrams, and graphs.
  • You can see an example of a useful poster on page 2 of this link
Video Presentation
  • To help everyone improve their presentation skills, we would like everyone to record a short video of you presenting your project. You do not need fancy equipment -- the front camera of your phone is sufficient. You should NOT be using any slides, animations etc. All we need is a 30 to 60 second video of you describing your project. The video should just contain your face and you verbally describing your work -- basically this is the sort of `elevator pitch’ you will need to give when other researchers ask you ``What do you do??’’.
  • In the video, please provide the following:
    • Name
    • Affiliation
    • Project Title
    • Describe what you are working on (what it is, what it does, etc.)
    • Describe why the work you are doing is hard
    • Describe why the work you are doing is important & useful. In particular, if you succeed in your research, who would benefit and / or care?
  • Please submit the URL of your video by December 31st 2017 using this form

Important note on attendance

  • Please remember that attending ASSET requires you to attend ALL of COMSNETS -- starting from Jan 3rd. We have provided accommodation support (details sent in a separate email), travel scholarships (email already sent if you are receiving a scholarship), and highly subsidised COMSNETS registration rates to help you with this.
  • If you CANNOT make it for COMSNETS on Jan 3rd, let us know ASAP. We will have to review our options. This could include removing your submission and removing you from ASSET. Please don’t have us find out on COMSNETS Day 1 that you are not attending all of COMSNETS.


Day 1 : Monday, 8th Jan 2018

Time Activity
07:00 Bus to ASSET
09:00 Welcome
09:30 Opening and Introduction to ASSET
10:00 - 11:00 Writing Lecture
11:00 Break
11:30 - 13:00 Research Talk I
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:30 - 15:30 Presentation Lecture
15:30 Break
16:00 - 17:30 Video, Poster, and Paper Review
17:30 Break
18:00 Paper Critique Discussions

Day 2 : Tuesday, 9th Jan 2018

Time Activity
07:00 Bus to ASSET
09:00 Welcome
09:30 - 11:00 Writing Review of the 1 page ASSET Submission & Video Review
11:00 Break
11:30 - 13:00 Research Talk II
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00 Poster Presentation Review
16:00 Break
16:30 - 18:00 Presentation (1 min. elevator pitch)
18:00 Closing

Organizing Committee

Rajesh Krishna Balan

Rajesh Krishna Balan

Singapore Management University, Singapore

Youngki Lee

Youngki Lee

Singapore Management University, Singapore

JeongGil Ko

JeongGil Ko

Ajou University, South Korea

Tadashi Okoshi

Tadashi Okoshi

Keio University, Japan

Karthik Dantu

Karthik Dantu

University at Buffalo, USA

Vinayak Naik

Vinayak Naik

IIIT Delhi, India

Gold Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Conference Partner